
4 Smart Tips for Fishing in the Rain

As many seasoned anglers might tell you, a rain shower doesn’t have to ruin your time on the water—in fact, it might even make for better fishing! The reduced presence of fellow anglers, as well as an increased flow of nutrients into the water, means that the fish you’re searching for are more active and potentially easier to spot.

Below, take a look at some of our best tips for fishing in the rain

Start close to shore

During or following a shower, lots of nutrients are sure to wash into the water from land—making this a natural place to start, since fish will be likely to gravitate toward this area, too.

Use attention-getting lures

Water has a tendency to become muddy or clouded during a rain shower, which can be a blessing in disguise for anglers who want to remain unseen to the fish below the surface. Since the decreased visibility can make fish disoriented, it’s often helpful to catch their attention in the darker water with lures the capture attention with ease. One such lure is the spinnerbait, which moves around and causes a stir in the water.

Stay dry

We’ve covered a few of the best ways to catch a fish during rainy weather—now let’s turn to you! Fishing in the rain can be a fun, unique experience, but you want to avoid walking away in soggy clothes whenever possible. Sit underneath your cover, if possible, and slip into your favorite weatherproof jacket as soon as it starts to rain so that you can fish in comfort.

Head back if the weather worsens

If the rain comes down harder and makes it difficult to see on the water, call it a day or take a break and head back toward shore. You’ll usually be able to enjoy a better (and more successful) fishing experience in lighter rain, anyway.

We hope that today’s blog can help you achieve your best catch yet—rain or shine!

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